Fedora Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation
supporting the collection, preservation & distribution of diverse stories of traditions, values and culture.
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Fedora Foundation supports the collection, preservation and distribution of diverse stories about heritage, traditions, values and culture. If stories are not passed down from generation to generation it's as though those people never existed. We need your help and support to ensure the unique experiences of people are remembered.
Things We Do
Collection of Stories about
Traditions, Values & Culture
Preservation of Stories through creation of feature stories for TV and online
Distribution of Stories through the Family Heritage Stories TV show
The Fedora Foundation Team
The Fedora Foundation is passionate about the collection, preservation and distribution of diverse stories of traditions, values & culture. These stories are shared in Family Heritage Stories on multiple platforms.
Members of the board have extensive experience in multiple fields supporting projects like Hero Salute Stories, A Recipe From Grandma, The Caring Stories, Objects with Stories are Treasures Remembered, and more.
Your donations and corporate sponsorships will help make sure stories are passed down to the next generation.
Make a donation
Since our establishment, Fedora Foundation has been dedicated to preserving and sharing the rich tapestry of human experiences. through various video stories distributed through Family Heritage Stories TV shows as well as online. You can make a difference in the lives of countless individuals by ensuring that their voices and narratives are not forgotten. Fedora Foundation is a recognized 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. All contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Family Heritage Stories TV show is made possible by the generous support of viewers and underwriters.
Underwriters/sponsors benefit from the "halo effect" of being associated with Family Heritage Stories and its mission to collect, preserve and distribute diverse stories of traditions, values and culture. Nearly 85% of consumers believe such marketing creates a positive image for underwriters/sponsors
If you would like to partner your brand with a specific feature story category, please contact the Development Director for the Fedora Foundation, Krista Numbers, at Krista@FedoraFoundation.org
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